Saturday, July 12, 2014
Sushi & Minecraft
We went to a comic book store and I was actually looking to buy legos but there were none because it was a comic book store. We also went to a game store and also I bought nothing. I was still looking for leggos. Isabella bought Furygirl.
We walked 24,532 steps in one day. We went on a train ride for dinner but they were closed, so we took a train back.
I spray painted a guys door, but he allowed us. It was a metal door. I stayed up past midnight eating sushi and talking to my dad about minecraft.
Today we are in the apartment and we are away and I am doing this blog. We will going to a church, but tomorrow and the next day we are going to different churches.
We are seeing about 100 churches a day.
Posted by
1:28 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2014
A Quick Time in Italy
We walked through Pompeii where all of the buildings were damaged by the volcano that erupt. We saw dead bodies that turned to stone. People looked at them saying: "Wow! Is this a dead body or a statue?"
We saw a picture of a dog on the floor it was called a mosaic. People wondered how did they even get that dog on there? I guess it is 4000 years old.
We went inside the Sistine Chapel. It was beautiful. I saw Adam touching God. It was so beautiful. Some people they were talking about the guy that wants to cover up Michelangelo's artwork. The guy that wants to cover it up because he is an idiot and he is afraid of seeing naked bodies and sex.
My favorite thing I saw in the Vatican was a great painting that I really liked. It was a painting of Adam and Eve.
We climbed inside the leaning tower of Pisa. It was leaning both ways, the left and the right the left and the right. When we got to the top we saw everything below.
We went into the Michelangelo museum of unfinished Michelangelo artwork where Michelangelo did not finish his sculptures. One was finished and it was called "The David". His head was as big as a boulder. His eyes were as big as baby bluebird's eggs and his feet were the size of god.
We are now in Spain.
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8:11 AM
Labels: Michelaangelo
Monday, June 30, 2014
I don't want to talk about the boat
After we got off the boat, we took a long hike with our stupid backpacks. We went to our cabin in iItaly at the campground. First we picked up the car from stupid Hertz. We had trouble getting the car from stupid Hertz because Mommy wanted to drive because Mommy does not like it when Daddy drives. This is because one time in Mexico at Christmas time Daddy saw a guy riding a bike across the road in a poncho and big sombrero and the guy didn't exist.
So Daddy went to get the car from stupid Hertz worker (that's not his name but I don't know his name so that's what I am calling him) I plopped in the car because my backpack was killing me. The first backpack in was Daddy's, then Mommy's, then Boo-boo's, then mine, then our daypacks full of toys, food and games and nooks.
We took the car to the campground. I almost threw up on the way because it was making me dizzy and barfy. I don't complain but my stomach gets barfy on windy roads. That's why my face turned green on the pirate ship.
I took e nap before I got burpy and barfy. My mommy and daddy woke me up and stopped at a gas station where mommy and daddy had a cup of joe and Bahboo had a coke and I had a lemon fanta. Then we got back on the road. And by the way dont stop at most gas stations unless you like squatting toilets.
Then we stopped at my only alive grandpa's father's town. It was deserted because we got there at siesta time which is like nap time. We tried to have a good place to have lunch because my family thought we would not get to the campground until past dinner time.
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Mommy fixing the door of our cabin |
Then we got to the camp and after we got settled in (sort of, because we had lots of questions like: "Where were there beach bugs?" and "Why were my parents' beds wet?") we got in our bathing suits, sat down on the porch and waited until the pool was open.
After I went to the pool, I made friends with Allie and people that speak different languages that were across from us. Allie spoke perfect English so I could understand her a lot. When some of the people asked me a question in their language, she could tell me what they were saying. One of the boys said "Sai nuotare?" and Allie told me that he said "Do you know how to swim" so we said "Sí!"
Posted by
1:22 PM
Labels: Bizzy Belly
Sunday, June 29, 2014
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Bella and her Crimean friends learning bible stories |
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Bella getting ready to conquer the pool | The "buttfloss" waterslide (so called because in order to go fast you had to pull your suit up into your butcrack exposing both cheeks) |
Posted by
6:42 AM
Labels: MRA
Saturday, June 28, 2014
The Amalfi Coast Sucks
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I have never been so happy to be stuck behind a bus in my entire life. |
Posted by
4:24 AM
Labels: MRA
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP
We spent a day visiting "Tenuta Vannulo", a buffalo farm (or "Tenuta") well respected in the region. It's all organic and, like all Mozzarella from the DOP, hand made. The buffalo are extremely pampered - they decide when to milk themselves!
We took a tour, ate some (awesome) yoghurt and gelato, and of coarse, bought some mozzarella for the evening meal.
We actually went twice - On the first day we enquired about tours - and booked one for the following morning. €4,00 per person. When we showed up; the guide told us that the price had doubled because a Tedesco group had hot shown up. WTF? Not my problem. They sold me a tour for €4,00. Why should I pay double that because some asshat German tourists did not show ("Tedesco" is a derogatory Italian term meaning essentially "German Asshat"; a German is normally an "Alemagni")
In the end the "Tedesci" did show - and it turns out that they were not German at all - but Americans living in Germany and therefore American Asshats. (although they did turn out to be OK people)
The tour was really cool - we got to see robotic self serve milking machines, a buffalo with afterbirth, and the process of hand "cutting" the Mozzarella.
I would recommend the tour - but insist on a fixed price so that if some asshat (German, American, or otherwise) does not show that your price is set.
Posted by
3:54 AM
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Camping In Italy

We got to Italy and got a car and drove to pop’s dad’s place. The drive was so long. Pops dad’s place had many churches many houses and many buildings. My ancestors were from there.

Tonight we are going to see the ruins. They are Greek and Roman and old. It is called Pæstum.
I am reading the Hobbit and I like it.
Posted by
7:50 AM
Labels: Michelaangelo
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Reflections on Yugoslavia
Tito did Croatia a great favour when he insisted that industrial development remain away from the Dalmatian coast. This act preserved the historical city centres and look and feel of the country in a way unparalleled in Europe (except perhaps in Malta). On the other-hand; there are huge swaths of depopulated countryside where it is obvious that farms and villages used to be that are now completely empty.
Tito did a great harm to all Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks by not changing their identity to that of "Yugoslav" rather than "Serb, Croat, and Bosniak", The ONLY discernable difference between these people is the way they worship. If he had called the language "Yugoslavian" instead of "Serbo-Croatian" that would have helped. Anything to banish distinction between these 3 groups could have prevented the huge amount of bloodshed.
Not sure why they sided with the Serbs in the conflicts; as the Montenegrins speak a different language, have a different history, and in general only live next door to Serbia. Perhaps it's that most Montenegrins (like the Serbs?) are Orthodox.
Full circle:
All of the former Yugoslavian countries have either joined or applied to join the EU. None of them are fully integrated yet with only Montenegro using the Euro and Bosnia part of the Shengen zone. Croatia and Slovenia are full members, and Slovenia is both a Shengen and Eurozone country. Once they all complete their membership, Then Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro will again be reunited. These countries that fought so hard to be separate. Odd how this goes full circle?
Posted by
2:52 AM
Labels: MRA
Across southern Italy to the land of my ancestors
The drive across the underside of the arch of the Italian boot was reminiscent of a drive through California's San Joaquin valley - if California was peppered with castles every now and again.
Once we crossed the border into Reggio Cosenza, the drive radically changed - we now were on narrow, one lane, switchbacks through a very rural landscape. Up and down steep hills, twisting between vineyards, Blood orange orchards, and fig trees. Other than the occasional intense sudden fear when some Italian came barreling down at us at 120kph it was a fantastic drive.
This was approaching Acri from the opposite direction that I did the last time I came in 1994 with my father - and this time we went through a series of small villages whose names I recognized from reading the civil records of Acri - birthplaces of spouses of people marrying into the Alessio clan. Places with names like "San Giorgio Albanese" and "Finnochio".
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Michelangelo and Isabella in front of the Church that their Great Grandfather Angelo Salvatore Alessio was baptized in |
Alas the march of time. One thing that has not changed is the view of the town as you leave to the west - this photo is almost identical to the one I took with my dad back in 1994
Posted by
12:57 AM
Monday, June 23, 2014
Croatia Summary
In Croatia the buildings looked weird because they are all different shapes than I am used to.
The people talked in Croatian and I couldn't understand a word they said because I dont speak Croatian. Their accents if they spoke English were funny.
At night it was a bumpy bed and noisy and there were more Croatain speaking people than English speaking people. So we read a book and about their language and we tried saying some of their words and they didn't understand us. Like "Vala" means thank you.
The food sounded different and looked different. It sounded bad but tasted good. I know you will think that strange but it was what happened. I ate lots of gelato (gelato is ice cream) and I liked the one flavour: strawberry, because they made it from fresh strawberries and all the gelato we had was home made. A tuna pizza roll is also what we had and it was delicious. I know it sounds gross but it was actually yummy. What was crazy about Croatia was how the city was set up and how one block away from a gelato stand was another.
It was pretty at night because it was a full moon every night. What was cray-cray in Croatia was how small where we were was. It was so small that almost all the shops were squashed together, and the same thing at our first apartment it was squashed together with another. My brother and my bed was set up was very crazy because my mom and dad could not get to the toilet at night without walking over our bed.
We also went to Booznia. There were people whose spinned around in a circle praying with a tassel on their hat going around really fast.
We also went to Montengro. I forgot about Montenegro.
Posted by
2:06 AM
Labels: Bizzy Belly
The Bosniak Kingdom
I will admit to being slightly apprehensive - not because I thought we would be targets or anything; but because I simply do not understand their recent war, nor how they can live with themselves after all that went on here in the 1990's. I did not (and still don't) understand how they can still live side by side when just a short time ago they were being so viscous to each other. How do you be civil to someone who was trying to kill you? How do you refrain from smashing in the skull of the man who sent your daughter to a rape camp? And lives next door? And you have to see every day? I would reckon that there is still heaps of pent up rage in these people just below the surface.
The only discernible difference between these people is what church they go to - Croats are Catholic, Serbs are Orthodox, (and I even have a hard time telling the difference between Catholic and Orthodox beliefs to be honest) and Bosniaks are Muslims. They look the same. The speak the same language. They eat the same foods. They grew up in the same villages. As an American; it is inconceivable to me to even give a shit what church someone else goes to; never mind kill them for it.
The Croatian freeway A1A terminates at the Bosnian border - and is home to 1 of only 2 free toilets in Croatia (every other one costs 2-5kn to use). Once across, we expected to see heaps of wreckage from the wars in the '90's - but the whole way to Mostar we couldn't tell if a building missing a roof was missing it because it was hundreds of years old, or because it got bombed out by one group of assholes or another. Bosnia appeared as modern and up to date as Croatia.
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View from the Mostar bridge |
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Blagaj |
After Blagaj, we took a route to Dubrovnik through "Republika Sprska". This is the portion of Bosnia that has an ethnic Serbian majority. Both Bosnia and Serbia recognize it's sovereignty, but absolutely no one else does. IT is a scary place. Here were all the bullet hole ridden buildings and burnt out husks from the war. Here were where the bitter losers were residing (loser is a relative term here). While I said it was scary - we in no time felt in danger - but the tension was omnipresent.
Posted by
1:03 AM
Labels: MRA
Sunday, June 22, 2014
The Fishys
Posted by
7:45 AM
Labels: Bizzy Belly
The Ragusan Republic
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Bella Relaxing in Dubrovnik's architecture |
Today, the walled city of Dubrovnik is a World Heritage site and a fantastically beautiful place. We had already drove up and down the Adriatic coast and seen the fantastical walled cites of Zadar, Trogrir, Split, Mostar, Kotor, and Ston, and it was certainly the most impressive of the lot.
The history of the city is fascinating - how the Ragusans (whose ruling class spoke a Latin language called "Dalmatian") played off the Ottomans against the Venetians in order to remain independent and only lost that independence to Napoleon's army.
The one unforgivable thing about Dubrovnik is the hordes of cruise ship passengers that descend upon the city daily. Our first day here, there were 5 mega-ships in port with well over 100,000 tourists dumped into the 1 square mile of city walls. This was repeated each day and it really, really, sucked. I would put it up there with Yosemite for crowd induced hell.
That said, it was fantastically gorgeous, romantic (even with kids along!) and friendly. For anyone going - the cruise ship passengers all need to depart at 16:00 for their boats - so plan accordingly.
Highlights of the city?
The Walls. Walk the walls. Wait until 19:00 to do so and you will be rewarded by both the absence of crowds and lack of daytime heat.
Fort Imperial. Take the cablecar up Srđ for the best views in Yugoslavia.
Swimming at the city walls. My kids expressed this best - and it is totally awesome to swim in the shadow of this Medieval fortress.
Posted by
2:40 AM
Labels: MRA
Friday, June 20, 2014
Moving, Move out
At the next day we went to go on a hike in a big park. First we had to drive, second we had a bus take us up, third the bus stopped an we began to hike and cross bridges, streams and lakes. We even saw a waterfall going down a little rabbit hole next to a tree. Then a bunch of other people came. It was so crowded that we could only take little steps. The waterfalls were amazing. First there was a river then a waterfall then a river then a waterfall again and again and again. We walked on a bridge on top of the waterfalls while the trees in the rivers began to disintegrate. The lakes were called Plitvice Lakes and are a world heritage site.
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The baptismal in Jupiter's Temple |
The next day we decided to move because our apartment was so small that only a dwarf or an elf could live in there. We drove and we drove and we drove to Bosnia. In Bosnia there are many amazing sites. A big bridge that a person jumped 12' or more. The people here go to very different churches and do different prayers by putting their heads down on the floor.
They made metal plates from the shells fired at the bridge from the war in the 1990s which turned them into art.
When we arrived at our new apartment we took all of our stuff and someone was waiting for us there. It was amazing. There is a bed next to another bed, a flat screen TV and also the doors were a little confusing actually they turn into windows. We started to unpack and we went to the grocery store to get cereal and milk. Theres some weird cereal called Lino. The front of the cereal box looks like a bear on "Sesame Street".
Today we went to a different castle on top of a mountain. There was a big giant castle with a wall on a mountain. It was in Montenegro.
I got to go to 2 new countries; Bosnia and Montenegro.
Posted by
10:33 AM
Labels: Michelaangelo
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SGK Enjoying an Espresso in Perast on the bay of Kotor |
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Tall ship on The Bay Of Kotor |
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Mill site just outside the walls of Kotor. Note that the wall continues up the mountain in the background. |
Posted by
9:35 AM