10-Mar-00 thru 13-Mar-00
The Great Barrier Reef needs no introduction - suffice it to say that Mike Ball pampered SGK, The Doctor and me for 4 whole days on the World Famous Cod Hole. The Cod hole is a spot on the Great Barrier Reef known to be inhabited by giant Potato Cod - each weighing in at about 75 pounds.

Dr. Keenan looking VERY tall in the door to our cabin

SGK partaking of inter-dive activities

The Dr. after his first dive - note smile.

SGK getting ready for her second dive

The Dr. and SGK "Giant Striding"

Darren and Lisa from Calgary - She ended up being Air evac'ed...

Out of the 4 Japanese guests on board - Kats', a school teacher was the most friendly - probably because he had the most English.

The Girls from Japan

Me About to get in for a night dive

SGK enjoying her last dive

Rodney the Kiwi Divemaster would draw artsy maps of each dive site before we entered the water

Rodney would also put the day's schedule up on the board

The Dr. Enjoying inter-dive activities

The goodbye Bar-B-Que

Me and the Japanese guests

Lizard Island

The Guests and the Crew

MV Supersport - our Dive boat

Yumi the Japanese speaking Divemaster

Our ride home

I got to be the co-poilot

Views out the cockpit window for the flight home

Yes I'm still giving out balloons!
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