19-Mar-00 thru 23-Mar-00
Auckland is New Zealand's largest city - over 1/2 the population live here.

Our last sight in Queensland before heading to New Zealand was this big fella

Greg, One of our Kiwi Friends that we met on the Inca Trail hamming it up for the camera

Greg trying chewing tobacco for the first time - What a sport!

Flower from Greg and Nicole's back deck

To show Nicole that Greg really was doing the housework...

...And not down at the local Pub.

Nicole about to pop any minute now...

The Auckland Sky Tower is the tallest man-made structure in the Southern hemisphere - and it's in the Skycity casino!

OOOOH! That's a long way down!

180ยบ view from the top of the tower

The crane that Eric and I Bungy jumped off of 10 years ago - So does that bring back memories Mr. Nelson?

No, this is not a photo of some random motorist - he snuck in while I was taking a photo of the Auckland skyline

A chocolate coated Easter Potato - Uniquely Kiwi...
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