While I am still waiting for this summer's big trip; I'm still in South America without the family. Here I sit at Resturant Don Pedro in Colonia, sipping a café doublé and writing this blog.
I don't know if Uruguay just moves at a slower pace than Argentina; or if it's just that compared to Buenas Aires the whole continent moves at a slower pace; but this little town is sleeeeeeeepy.
I took the ferry over at O'dark-thirty and now am spending the Sunday relaxing in this world heritage site.
Quite enjoying the day off, and antipidol autumnal sunshine in this pretty place. I may have to go to the beach later :-)
Yacht racing on the Rio Plata |
Local beers only come in 1L bottles |
Local Parrilla |
I am sitting in my hotel in Buenos Aires as I write this, thinking of the upcoming summer. It's been 12 years since SaraGrace and I returned from our big RTW trip. That does not mean we have been sitting at home growing grass - We've still been traveling; but with 2 little ones it was a bit harder.
We have taken those kids out and about; probably to more places than most adults - Michelangelo is on his 3rd passport and Isabella her 2nd; and I've just had 52 more pages added to mine.
Michelangelo's first trip abroad was to Turks & Caicos before he could even walk! We have taken both kids to Mexico countless times, Jamiaca twice, The UK and Ireland. I personally have spent about a year of my life in Asia over the last 4 years alone (all business) and even managed to squeeze SGK into a business trip to Malta earlier this year (Sin hijos!)
So back to the first sentence - I'm thinking of the upcoming summer. This year marks my 11'th working at
Perforce, and at my 10th anniversary I earned a sabbatical. So, This June, July, and August SaraGrace and I are going to take the kids on an epic journey around the Mediterranean!
This must be a cyclical thing for Travel Addicts - our friend Shadae, whom we met on Gili Trawangan 12 years ago, is just completing a similar journey with her new husband and their 2 kids (Collectively known as the
Funky Four). Tina and Stuart are finally back from their
Permanent Vacasian - but they are young yet so when they get to be old farts like us they will probably grab their offspring and drag them to the corners of the earth just like we did. And of course, we all know what happens when our kids get grown? Just ask our friend Alex who is still
riding his folding bike everywhere in the world.
All content including images copyright 1999-2014 © SaraGrace Keenan and/or Michael Alessio Permission to use only granted with permission