Tuesday, December 26, 2000

Merry Christmas!

Joe Keenan, Kathy Swystun-Keenan, Kevin Keenan, Helen Sweeney-Keenan (holding Misha) and W. Andrew Keenan sitting on couch imagining Michael Alessio and SaraGrace Keenan.  Photoshopped by Kathy

Great Talking with everyone this morning!!! I'm glad everyone loved the gifts! The kniveswill be good for dad and Joe and Michael for hunting next year-where ever they decide to go (don't forget-when they are in their black case you must first oil with motor oil..but in the stand wipe the oil off)
What were the other guesses for the lock?
...Kevin’s with the dragon-is more for display...
Got an email from John McArdle, asking us to get him a "Traditional Bruce Lee Black Silk shirt" from Hong Kong...
So I told him about the shirt we got for Kevin...:)

We have made many friends here in Jaisalmer-with the local people, and will be invited for a wedding (not yet planned or arranged :) in about 4 years...
We just love it here! Everyone here in the fort area has been so kind to us...
Wishing us merry Christmas, and my friend Jeetu (22yrs old), wrapped my gift for Michael, and his uncle, Gappu (24yrs) helped me buy a pie, and got me some candles, and incense for Christmas eve to make it special...
They both own shops here in town and have just been lovely to us for Christmas...
Last night they rented a jeep and we all drove 1 hour out into the desert to their friends resort (9 huts-full of guests from Pune), and we saw traditional dancing, lovely live music, got to dance with their guests, and than had traditional dinner under the stars on padded blankets!

We had a fantastic time on the camel safari, and would do one in a second again soon-for a week or 10-15 days!!! Much more comfortable than a horse, as the saddle is padded with thick blankets! 2 nights in the desert was just amazing-the stars were so beautiful/and 3 days on the camel a real treat, and one of the best things that we have done in the past 19 months!!!...
But it was very cold in the evening!

I had the 2nd largest camel names Mauria-Magoo, 5 years old...
Michael’s camel was named Tiger...
We also had a Japanese couple with us in their 50's, and woman’s camels name was Michael, so it got quite confusing at times, as you can imagine-I kept wondering what Michael had done to make the Japanese lady yell at MY Michael!!??...
The Japanese man’s camel was named Julian (he was the shortest of us people, yet had the largest camel). We called him "one-peg", he went where ever he damn well pleased as it only had one peg in its nose-so our Japanese companion could only steer it one way! It was very funny the first day when one of the guides, not yet on his camel, went running after the Japanese man, as the camel was going the wrong way...
They were a great couple to travel with and very funny!!!

The funniest story is when I asked our guide Hamid, (who was on foot, because we were going to have lunch) how to make the camel run, as I wanted to go faster...
He said to me, do you want to see running? and I said Yes!!!...
But instead of making my camel run, he took off running about 200 yards!!! I was laughing so hard I almost fell off the camel (about 15 foot drop)...:)...
He was a great joker!!! later that day we got to run the camels-which was wonderful...
They are just amazing animals-yes, it even beat the 1 1/2 hours on the elephant in Nepal!
All for now, love you all very much and can't wait for Christmas next year! Or, as I keep telling Michael, in March when we get home!!!

Luv you all, SG =====

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